!Disroway: Way Of Distribution

Sound of Persian artists around the world

!What are our services



All income from the stream is yours

All the income from your streaming music will be paid directly to you without intermediaries. Don't worry about your income!



Get verified on all platforms

You can request verification for all platforms and verify Spotify and other platforms easily



Upload unlimited music to platforms

You can upload an unlimited number of single tracks and albums on all streaming platforms.



Twenty-four hour support on all days of the week

On all days of the week and at all hours of the day and night, the support team is ready to help you



Promote yourself and create a campaign

You can easily participate in our playlists and promote campaigns and experience great growth


Stream Link

All platforms, just in one link

You can have a dedicated stream link for each of your music and send it to your audience



Have accurate statistics of your income and stream

You can check your detailed account report at the end of every month.
One of the most important factors of progress is checking statistics



Protect your music with copyright laws

With ISRC and UPC codes that are issued to you completely free, you can legally protect your music.

What do the numbers say about us

Days of activity

Which platforms are our partners

The review of your music is a maximum of 48 hours. Also, the release time of each music varies from 3 days to 7 working days

Your music is published on more than 50 platforms. including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and other platforms

Yes, it is possible to activate YouTube Content ID. It costs 5$ for each single track

Yes. The possibility of income percentage is possible for all music agents. This process is done automatically and the withdrawal operation is done to your bank account. It is also possible to change the royalty percentage after the release of the music

Music promotion on platforms is usually done by placing music in playlists. Reposting in SoundCloud. It is better to produce high quality music for promotion. And according to the budget you have, do the advertising. You can send a message to the support to promote

Disroway support is 24 hours a day. This means that you can send messages to support at all hours of the day and night, and if a problem occurs, we will solve your problem as soon as possible

Copyright laws are fully in line with international standards

Yes. Your lyrics will be added to the platforms completely free. In case of request for syncing, it is 2$ for each track
